Centre for Research

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Exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on inner health

Cortigenix scientists are carrying out an international study alongside the University of Nottingham (UK), Kings College London and Auckland University exploring the impact of the pandemic on inner health.

Exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on inner health

3088 people from the UK and NZ currently taking part

Professor Kavita Vedhara

Our scientists are helping to understand how changes to our lives during the pandemic are affecting the inner health of the population using our Cortisol Over Time (COT) technology.

“The global pandemic has resulted in huge changes to people’s lives all around the world. By using Cortigenix’s COT technology we are able to understand how the unique combination of lifestyle challenges, such as the amount of stress people have experienced during the pandemic may be affecting them now, and how it might affect their long term health in the future”.

Chief Scientific Investigator, Covid-19 Stress and Health Research Study, Professor Kavita Vedhara, University of Nottingham (UK)

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