The power of prevention. Starting your journey to better inner health

Posted on 24/9/2021

In the UK, life expectancy has increased by almost 30 years over the past century. However, these improvements in life expectancy are beginning to slow with a predicted 20% of years lived expected to be spent in poor health.

We often don’t think about our risk of chronic diseases until later in our lives, but research shows that many chronic diseases start developing decades before they become serious.

In fact, research suggests that 80% of chronic diseases are preventable. Your lifestyle plays a key role in your risk of developing chronic conditions during your lifetime.

The good news is that your lifestyle choices play a significant role in this outcome and can therefore be changed by you.

Starting your journey to better inner health sooner, rather than later, means you have the power to intervene, improving your inner health now and reducing your risk of chronic diseases in the future.

People often don’t take a health test, or know what’s going on inside their body until they have a health problem, or they are feeling unwell We want to prevent people becoming unwell in the first place.

At Cortigenix, we believe that prevention is better than cure and by giving people insights into their inner health when it matters, we can help them live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Our Cortisol Over Time (COT) test provides a clear picture of how your lifestyle and actions are affecting your inner health, so that you can start your journey, sooner rather than later to improved long term wellness.

Take control of stress. One simple test.